A fierce advocate for the Second Amendment and hunters’ rights, Janet has led a life of activism in support of firearms and the outdoors. She's an active member of nearly 40 organizations and serves as co-chair of the NRA Women's Leadership Forum.
Early Advocacy
Janet Nyce loved spending her time and energy outdoors since a very early age. But one fateful event changed that into a passion for firearms: grouse hunting with her husband Jim on their honeymoon. Janet was hooked. After her children were grown, Janet decided to join Safari Club International. After just a short time in SCI, Janet started to lobby congress on behalf of the rights of hunters. When she learned of the educational opportunities offered because of NRA membership, joining her husband in NRA was a no-brainer.
A Fierce Advocate for the Second Amendment and Hunters’ Rights
Janet has led a life of activism in support of firearms and the outdoors. A lifelong volunteer, she's an active member of nearly 40 organizations including Safari Club International, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs and the Women’s Shooting Sports Foundation. She also serves as co-chair of the NRA Women’s Leadership Forum. Janet believes it’s her generation’s responsibility to create a legacy that future generations can follow to stand and fight for Second Amendment freedoms.
Safety and Training For All
After pledging her life to firearms advocacy and hunters rights, it was only natural for Janet to train to be a NRA-certified firearm instructor. She has made it her mission to provide firearm safety and training to all, but she has a special place in her heart for sharing the shooting sports with women. She's trained countless women at Becoming An Outdoor Women camps, Women On Target events and through the Refuse To Be A Victim program. “When you learn something about any issue it takes the fear and mystery out of it,” notes Janet. “A gun is a tool, it’s the person who uses it is important.”
Few causes have such a direct impact on our children, grandchildren and the future of our country as the Second Amendment. We invite you to join us as a woman, a leader and a keystone of America’s treasured legacy of freedom. Come be a part of the NRA Women’s Leadership Forum and help us shape the future!